Merkley Family // Utah Family Photographer

The Merkley Family! I love taking family photos and I LOVE returning clients! I’ve taken their photos before too and I am so glad that they came back and had me take some more for them. If I were to say what my favorite part about this session, it would be Jenna’s dress! For those who don’t know which one is Jenna, that would be the yellow dress girl. I’m seriously obsessed with her dress and I want one too! It doesn’t help that I adore the color yellow and then to add lace, YES PLEASE! It was so fun to take their photos again. And did you know that they are my neighbors?? I mean how cool is that! And Jenna (cute dress girl) is the same age as Thomas. I’m not thinking about the future at all. ;) But really, a cute perfect family, on a perfect night!