Rae 1 Year Smash Cake

Sweet Baby Rae, and no I am not talking about the BBQ Sauce. Was that funny? Am I funny? OK I guess I’m not that funny. But seriously baby Rae is so stinking cute I can’t even stand it. First off to start her mom Jessie made this cake! Yes you read that right, she made the cake. Isn’t it the cutest and looks so yummy. Rae wasn’t into it like we were all hoping. Jessie was saying that Rae LOVES food and she was shocked that Rae just wasn’t very interested in the cake. She’d play with it a little, but not really. They even tried giving her a taste but that seemed unsuccessful. She is just a dainty little thing that didn’t want to be photographed with cake all over her.

Even though she was very shy to the cake, we still got some pretty cute photos of her. I mean look at her and all her chubby!!!! Why can’t we adults be that chubby and everyone still think we are adorable like her? I mean come on?? That would make life so much easier, don’t you think? The more the rolls you have the cuter you are. Sounds like my kind of attraction. ;)